Philippians 2

Verse 1-4: If you could start or participate in a fan club, what fan club would you be a part of? What could you talk endlessly about?

What are the things that bind all Christians together?

Why do you think Paul is putting discuss focus on humility? If I always put others first, won’t I end up never getting what I want? How can you achieve self fulfillment with an others-centric view of the world?

Who are the others that you are to look out for? Is there anyone whose interests you don’t have to look out for?

Verse 5-8: What is a chore you loath so much that you pay money so you don’t have to do it (or at least are considering it)?

What are the things that the church could/should be doing that few want to do? What are the things we’ve paid people to do that we should be doing ourselves? How do you determine what the paid positions are in a church?

Why would Jesus give up his position to serve those that are beneath him? What did he have to gain?

Verse 9-11: What kind of people do we give honor to in America? Why?

What kinds of people does God give honor to? Why?

Verse 12-13: What is a spiritual discipline you are working on improving right now?

What does it mean to work out your salvation?

Verse 14-18: What do you love to complain about? Who do you like to complain with?

Why would Paul not want us to grumble and complain?

What is the difference between a reaction and a response? How does a mature Christian react and respond in a challenging situation?

Verse 19-24: Who are some people you trust with your life? What makes them different?

Who are some people God has chosen to put in your sphere of influence? How can you show genuine concern for their welfare?

Verse 25-30: Who are the people in your life that are worth dying for?

Would you die for people you never met? Would you risk your life for people in your community? What would drive Epaphroditus to endure sickness, almost to the point of death, to do the work of Christ?