1 John 4

Verse 1-3: Are there any old wives’ tales that you grew up believing or at least were told that were true? Why do you think old wives tales persist?

What are some old wives’ tales we have in churches today?

Do you think there are false prophets in the world today? How do you know? What makes false prophets so attractive?

Verse 4-6: What are some items that you typically get on your soapbox about? What are the things you wish the world would know?

Have you ever been led astray in some aspect of your spiritual journey? What brought you back?

Verse 7-8: How do we show God love? Do you think you can love God without loving others?

Verse 9-12: How did your parents show love? Do you still feel loved by your parents? Why or why not?

How do we know God loves us? What does a loving God do? What doesn’t a loving God do? Do you think you can always feel the love of God?

Verse 13-15: Do you think it’s enough to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God for God to abide in you? Why or why not? What does it mean to abide in the first place?

Verse 16-18: What were or are your phobias? Why do you think you have them?

Do you think a mature Christian is ever afraid?

Verse 19-21: Do you think we have biases for or against people? Do mature Christians have biases?
How do we know we are maturing in love?
What do we do about the people in our lives who we can’t stand?