Monthly Archives: May 2021

Hebrews 4

Verse 1-2: What is a technology or service that has arisen only in the last twenty years that you can’t imagine life without (smartphones, Amazon two day shipping, high-speed internet, Large LED TVs, Instacart, Zoom, streaming TV and movies, social media, gluten-free menu options, etc.). Continue reading Hebrews 4
Jesus as High Priest

Hebrews 2

Verse 1: Have you ever had a close call when you failed to pay attention to what was happening? Here are some stories of folks who paid the ultimate price for failing to pay attention when it mattered most: Darwin Awards

Have you ever had a time when you felt you were drifting away from God? Why do people drift? Continue reading Hebrews 2

Jesus at the Right Hand of God

Hebrews 1

Last updated on May 14th, 2021 at 04:35 am

Verse 1-2: What was the last big vacation you took? How did you prepare? Did the destination meet your expectations?

What are some of your favorite Old Testament stories? How did God make himself known to his people?
How is Jesus different than the prophets? Continue reading Hebrews 1


Last updated on June 5th, 2021 at 07:15 am

Here are the lessons from SE, as available:

Here are links to study guides similar to those covered at the Roundtable. The buttons link to an outline with questions.

Introduction to Hebrews

Here is a video overview: