Jesus as High Priest

Hebrews 2

Verse 1: Have you ever had a close call when you failed to pay attention to what was happening? Here are some stories of folks who paid the ultimate price for failing to pay attention when it mattered most: Darwin Awards

Have you ever had a time when you felt you were drifting away from God? Why do people drift?

Verse 2-4: Have you ever witnessed a sign that God was actively working? How did you know it was a sign from God?

Why do you believe that Christianity is true?
How do we have a faith that stands the test of time?

Verse 5-9: What do you think are some of the most undervalued jobs in the world today? Why?

What do you think it meant for Jesus to become human? What did Jesus have to lose? What did he have to gain?

In what ways do we need to lower ourselves as a Christ-follower? What do we have to lose? What do we have to gain?

Verse 10-13: Have you ever had a friend whose bond was as strong to you as family? Why was that?

What does it mean to be a son or daughter of God?
How can we become children of God if we are lower than angels?

Verse 14-15: Why do you think the Bible refers to a life outside of God as being a life of slavery? What are we slaves to? Why isn’t being beholden to nobody but myself the definition of being free?

Verse 16-17: What’s the purpose of a priest?
Do we have a need for priests any more?

Verse 18: How does Jesus help us when we are tempted?