Philippians 1

Verse 1-5: What was the best team you were ever a part of? What made that team so great?

Who are your partners in the gospel? What are our responsibilities as partners in the gospel with our church? Do you have a way that you’d like to serve better as a member of God’s team?

Verse 6-11: Do you feel like your faith journey is leading up to something, or were your best days behind you?

What good work does God do in us? What goal does God have in mind for us?

Verse 12-14: Have you ever been inspired by someone going through a trial (training for a marathon, studying for a big exam, working to support the family, etc.). Why would difficulty be inspiring? Shouldn’t it be a deterrent?

What are some difficulties that you are facing in your life now? Do you think that your troubles now can help advance the gospel? Why or why not?

Verse 15-18: What are some ministry ideas that others have employed that you think are silly, ineffective, or perhaps just not your style? What is a way of ministering that’s engaging for you?

Do you think churches should stick to one type of ministry style? Why or why not? How do you know what ministries your church should employ or not?

Verse 19-26: Have you ever had a time where you thought you’d be better off dead than have to live through some particular experience? What kept you going?

What are the things you live for?

Is there a tension for you between looking forward to heaven and completing your work here on earth? Why or why not?

Verse 27-30: Do we have any opponents today? In what way do need to stand firm? In what way are we to be unified? In what ways do we become disunified?

Does winning for Jesus’ sake require suffering on our part? In what ways are we called to lay aside our comfort for the sake of Christ?