Matthew 8

Last updated on July 23rd, 2020 at 10:57 am

What is the sickest you’ve ever gotten?

Verse 1-4: Why do you think God created illnesses and disease? Why doesn’t God just wipe out all disease? Wouldn’t that bring him some well-deserved goodwill among all people on earth?

Why do you think Jesus told the leper not to tell anyone he healed him of leprosy?

Verse 5-13: Do you know anyone who is predisposed to believing in holy relics? Why do you think people are attracted to the idea of holy relics and holy places?

What made the centurion’s faith so extraordinary? What do you think the centurion believed about Jesus that Jesus didn’t find in others in Israel?

Do you think that if we just believe, God will do what we ask? What does it mean to believe in God?

What is the significance of the phrase “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”? What does this tell us about those who reject God?

Verse 14-17: Do you think people are still possessed by demons? How would you know? Do you think it was just an expression to state someone had something inexplicably wrong with them or does it really means people were possessed by demons?

Verse 18-22: What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever purchased? What made that thing worth purchasing?

What is Jesus’ point about the cost of following him? What do you think Jesus saw in those who were claiming they wanted to follow him?

What are costs you think we pay for following Jesus?

Verse 23-27: Do you have anything in your life right now that gives you anxiety? Why do you think Jesus chastises his disciples for their lack of faith in the storm? What is it we need to have faith in when we are surrounded by trouble?
Verse 28-34: Have you ever had an experience with evil spirits or demons?

What do the demons know about Jesus based on what they say to him? Why do you think demons address Jesus by title? If demons can see Jesus for who he really is, why do you think they don’t follow him?

Why do you think Jesus allows the demons to kill 2,000 pigs? After seeing this, why would these people beg Jesus to leave?

Why do you think Jesus doesn’t just destroy all demons now? Clearly he has the power to deal with them.

Do you think demons can affect a Christian? Are we in warfare against demonic forces?