Matthew 28

Verse 1: Have you ever had a relationship with someone that ended badly? Do you have a broken relationship that needs closure? How should Christians deal with broken relationships?

Verse 2-6: What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever encountered?

Do you think God should be feared? Should we as Christians have any fear of the Lord? Why or why not?

Verse 7-10: If Jesus had the power to appear to anyone whenever he wanted after his resurrection, why would he tell Mary and Mary Magdalene to tell the disciples about seeing Jesus and to go to Galilee? If God has the power to do whatever he wants in order to fulfill his will, why do you think he still works through people? If God is the one who determines if we are saved, what’s our responsibility?

Verse 11-15: Do you think that the ends ever justify the means? In the battle for people’s opinion, hearts, loyalty, safety, votes, the future of our country, or salvation of others, is there ever an excuse to behave in a way that runs contrary to the standard that God sets for behavior? How do we make the appropriate judgment on whether or not to take action that may run contrary to a rule of conduct we have set for ourselves?

Consider the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39. In a no-win situation, how did Daniel respond?

Verse 16-20: What kind of authority does Jesus have?
What kind of authority do we have? What does that mean?
What are the three things Jesus commanded his disciples (and by extension us) to do?
Do you think the Great Commission is given to each of us individually or to the body of believers in general?
What does it mean that God is with us?