The 10 Virgins

Matthew 25

Verse 1-13: What are some things you have on your bucket list?
What prevents you from completing more items on your bucket list?

Why do you think Jesus is providing a parable around being prepared for the kingdom of heaven? What is the difference between living like you’re prepared versus living like you’re not?

Parable of the TalentsVerse 14-30: What is a talent that you have? Do you get to use that talent?

What are some things you are called to steward on behalf of God?
How do you know you are stewarding well?

Do you relate more to the servant with five, two, or one talents?
How do we balance contentedness with our situation/abilities/resources with making the most of what God gives us? What does God call us to do?

What does it mean to “reap where you do not sow”? What does this say about God and our responsibilities?

Greed is the assumption that it’s all for my consumption. What gifts has God given you? Is your church the type of church that is investing wisely or is there no return on its investment? Where can churches invest to attain a healthy return?

The Last JudgementVerse 31-46: Has anyone ever done something to hurt your child? How did that make you feel toward that person?
Has anyone ever done something to help your child? How did that make you feel toward that person?

Why would Jesus care about how we treat the less fortunate? Wouldn’t God be more concerned about how much time abs energy you spent on Him?

If we’re saved by grace through faith, why does Jesus spend so much time talking about our behavior? Why does he tie eternal life to how we treat those in need?