Blind Guides

Matthew 23

Verse 1-3: On November 4, 2020, Carl Lentz, celebrity pastor of Hillsong Church New York City was fired from the church after it was discovered he had an extramarital affair. Why do you think we see some pastors of churches have significant moral failures if they are preaching against immoral behavior? What should our response be when these events occur? How do we get into the habit of practicing, not just preaching?

Verse 4-7: Did you ever have a mean older sibling, or were you ever the mean older sibling? What mean things do older siblings do? Why do they do them?

How does power corrupt character? Do you think this still happens in churches today? If so, how would we prevent it?

Verse 8-12: What’s the title you’ve been the proudest (father, teacher, VP, coach, etc.)?

What’s the difference between traditional leadership and servant leadership? Have you ever been under traditional leadership? Have you been under servant leadership? Why would having a servant attitude make you a better leader?

Verse 13-14: Have you ever had a goal to do something or join a group, but you didn’t go for it because you thought you couldn’t live up to the competition or the expectations of those in the group?

Have you ever been a part of a church where there were unreasonable expectations for becoming a part of the church or organization within the church? What kind of barriers are we tempted to put in place to belong to a church that aren’t beneficial? What are some reasonable expectations for belonging to a church?

Verse 15: What are some bad habits or characteristics that you have that you see in your kids?

How can we help our children be better people than we are? How can we help people despite our hypocrisy?

Verse 16-22: When you were younger, did your friends ever make each other swear or promise to each other to do or not do something? Why did that happen?

Why do people swear oaths? How can we prove to people that we will follow through on what we say we’ll do?

Verse 23-24: Why do you think church people are making such a big deal about masks? Do you think mark wearing is a weighty matter? Are our churches more known for our position about masks or for our justice, mercy, and faithfulness?

Verse 25-28: Why do you think people cared so much about how you dressed for church for so long? Do you think it matters now? In what ways might some Christians put appearances before behavior?

Zechariah MurderedVerse 29-36: What are some things your parents did that you said you would never do, but you do them now? Why do we think we will do better?

Why doesn’t knowledge consistently produce better behavior? If we know something is bad for us, why do we do it anyway? Do you find yourself ever thinking that you’re the exception to the rule?