Matthew 19

Verse 1-3: What was your parents’ marriage like?
What marriage device did your parents give you?
What was the most tumultuous time in your marriage?

What’s the purpose of marriage?
What are some good/poor reasons someone gets married?
Why do you think divorce happens?

Verse 4-6: Quoting from Genesis, “a man shall leave his father and his mother …” Why are there so many young adults that end up living with their parents for so long? Is this good/bad/not an issue?

Verse 7-9: What are some things that cause separation between you and your spouse? How do you work through it?

What are some things that we allow in our lives that lead to separation from God in our hearts? Do you think they are related to things that cause separation between spouses?

Verse 10-12: Is your marriage/singleness on mission for the sake of the kingdom? What does that look like?

“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Verse 16-17: In what ways do you think Christians try to win favor with God?

Do you think there are some acts of service that are more meritorious than others? Do you think there are some sins that are more respectable than others? Have you ever found yourself comparing yourself to others to justify why you’re a good person?

Verse 18-20: What’s so attractive about a religious system based on good deeds? What’s so dangerous about it?

Why do you think the rich young man felt he lacked eternal security even though he thought he followed all of God’s commands?

The Eye of the NeedleVerse 21-26: What is it about wealth that is so dangerous to our spiritual lives? How do we protect ourselves against its dangers?

Verse 27-30: What do we need to give up for the sake of Christ? What do we hope to gain?

Twelve ThronesWhat does it mean that the first will be last and the last will be first?

FYI, Extra credit reading.