John in Prision

Matthew 11

Last updated on August 22nd, 2020 at 08:38 am

Verse 1-6: Had there ever been a time in your life when you had some doubts about God (his existence, his faithfulness, his willingness to hear you, etc.)? What happened and what changed?

Why do you think John the Baptist asked if Jesus was the Messiah? What are some things that can happen or not happen in someone’s life that can shake their faith?

Does Jesus answer John’s question? Why or why not?

Verse 7-10: What are some things that make a church attractive to you? How do you know if a church is one worth staying in?
Woe to You John the Baptist’s ministry was not a spectacle or a show. He wanted to prepare people’s hearts to respond to God. What are some ways we as a church body can continually be moving toward God? What is some evidence we have a healthy church?

Verse 11-19: Have you ever been driving and forgotten to make the right turn but didn’t realize it until it was too late? Why did that happen?

Why do you think people who were around to witness the ministry of John and Jesus missed what they were doing? How could they be blind to the changed hearts and amazing miracles?

What kind of reputation did Jesus have in his day? What is the reputation of Jesus in America today? Does the church have the same reputation as Jesus?

Verse 20-24: What are some signs that God is still working today? Do the works of God that are being demonstrated cause you to repent? Why do you think Jesus was hung up on repentance as a result of his works? Why isn’t amazement and wonder good enough? What is the purpose of miracles?

Verse 25-27: Why would Jesus thank his Father for hiding the truth from people? Doesn’t Jesus want all to seek Him and know Him?

Verse 28-30: Who are the people Jesus makes himself available to? Why do you think Jesus picks these people? What kind of people does Jesus want on his team?

What is the burden that Christians have to bear? What makes that burden light?
