Matthew 10

Verse 1-4: Who is your favorite superhero? What superpower would you like to have?

Why do you think Jesus delegated authority to the disciples over unclean spirits, cast them out, and heals diseases? What does this say about Jesus’ view of leadership? Why do you think Jesus gave authority to Judas?

Verse 5-15: Have you ever had a leader who had positional authority but didn’t have moral authority over a team/situation (alignment between what we say and what we do)? Did that leader have credibility/influence with the team? What are some ways we can establish moral authority as Christians in our community?

The apostles clearly had positional authority by being direct disciples of Jesus, but Jesus gave them something else – he backed up their position with power. He also expected them to adhere to a code of conduct. What guidelines did Jesus expect of his disciples at this phase of the ministry? How do you think that helped Jesus’ ministry? How would you respond to this instruction?

Do you ever wish that God gave you certainty about what was going to happen in the future? In addressing his disciples, Jesus didn’t promise them certainty about what was going to happen to them, but he did give them the next best thing – clarity about how they were to respond. What things can Christians be certain about? What things are we uncertain about but can provide clarity on? Have you ever gotten in trouble by mixing the two up or over-promising on something you couldn’t deliver?

Verse 16-24: Have you ever been in a situation where someone kept telling you things were going to get better but they never did? How did that make you feel?

Why do you think Jesus would give his disciples the message that he was going to send them out as sheep among wolves? Why would they need to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves?

Why would Christianity thrive in the face of persecution? What do you think is a better advertisement for why we should follow God, a life of ease, health, and wealth, or certainty of persecution? Have you ever had something in your life worth dying for?

Verse 26-33: Do you have a phobia? What are your biggest fears?

Have you ever had someone you were afraid to disappoint? Why was that?

Below are the five levels of leadership according to John Maxwell. Do you think Jesus was a level 5 leader? How can we be level 5 leaders as Christians?

5 Leadership Levels

Verse 34-39: Why would Jesus tell his disciples he would bring division?What about following Jesus could possibly bring discord? Doesn’t Jesus make families stronger?

Why would God ask that we choose him above all others first? Don’t you think it makes more sense to love yourself first, family second, God, then others? What is the meaning of “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Verse 40-42: Has one of your children ever been bullied? How did that make you feel? How do you feel toward someone who treated your children well?

Have you ever mistreated one of God’s children? How do you think that made God feel? How does honoring others honor God?

What kind of rewards do you believe God gives those who trust him?