Category Archives: Musings

God is Light

Questions Answered by “Take Me to the Truth”

The framework described in Take Me to the Truth by Nune Sanchez answers the following questions:

  • What does God the Father look like?
  • How did God create the universe by speaking light into existence? 
  • Why was mankind created?
  • Why did God command that Man not aquire knowledge of good and evil?
  • Why is there evil in the world? 
  • Why did God curse Man with working to get what he want?
  • Why did God list His characteristics as: Mercy and Compassion, Grace, Patience, Love, Faithfulness, Truth, and Justice?
  • Why did Satan want Christ to worship him?
  • How was Christ able to perform many cold reads?
  • What is meant by “Your faith has made you whole”?
  • How were people healed by having their sins forgiven?
  • How did Christ’s modeling the ultimate sacrifice save mankind?
  • Why did Christ have to leave the illusion realm so that men can receive the holy Spirit the holy spirit?
  • Did Christ ascend to heaven bodily or spiritually?
  • How is eternity a property and not a time frame?
  • How does prayer actually work?
  • What do we receive when we ask, seek, and knock?
  • What did Christ mean when he said with enough faith, you can cast the mountain into the sea?
  • Why should we cast the log out of our eye before we comment on the splinter in someone else’s?
  • How can imagining a sin be the same as committing it?
  • How is being unhappy with any situation the same as being unhappy with God?
  • I see the parallel between the book and the book of James. James says that every time we face trials we have a choice. We can either have faith in God and trust in Him or we can or we can fall to the temptation to handle it ourselves which leads to bad results.
  • Why do the apostle Paul and the minor prophets all say “the just still live by faith”?
  • What does it mean to be reconciled to God and why is it important?


Last updated on September 30th, 2020 at 11:48 am

John Ortberg:

Forgiving is not the same thing as excusing. Forgiveness is what is required precisely when there is no good rationale to explain away why someone did what they did. When an action is excusable, it doesn’t require forgiveness. Continue reading Forgiveness


Last updated on November 19th, 2018 at 05:52 am

Therefore does the Lord declare, “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious” (Ex 33:19). Were God to show grace to all of Adam’s descendants, men would at once conclude that He was righteously compelled to take them to heaven as a meet compensation for allowing the human race to fall into sin.

Continue reading Grace