All posts by Conan

Matthew 10

Verse 1-4: Who is your favorite superhero? What superpower would you like to have?

Why do you think Jesus delegated authority to the disciples over unclean spirits, cast them out, and heals diseases? What does this say about Jesus’ view of leadership? Why do you think Jesus gave authority to Judas? Continue reading Matthew 10

Matthew 8

Last updated on July 23rd, 2020 at 10:57 am

What is the sickest you’ve ever gotten?

Verse 1-4: Why do you think God created illnesses and disease? Why doesn’t God just wipe out all disease? Wouldn’t that bring him some well-deserved goodwill among all people on earth? Continue reading Matthew 8

Matthew 7

Are you the type of person who loves conflict or do you avoid conflict? Do you think conflict is healthy or horrible? What role can conflict play in healthy organizations? Why or why not?

Verse 1-6: What does Jesus mean when he says, “judge not, that you be judged?” What is a Christians’ response and responsibility when they see issues that need to be addressed? Continue reading Matthew 7


Matthew 6

What’s the coolest award or recognition you’ve ever received?

In verses 4, 6, and 18, Jesus repeats the same phrase – “And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Why does this mean? What kind of rewards does God give us? Continue reading Matthew 6

Matthew 5

Verse 1: What was the shoddiest repair job you’ve ever witnessed? Have you ever seen a 2nd hand item that looked good on the outside but was broken inside?

During Jesus’ lifetime, what was the prevailing thought among the Jews about how to be right with God? What’s the difference between what the Jews thought versus what Jesus taught? What does God really want from us and for us?

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31:33-34‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Verse 3-12: What does it mean to be considered blessed? How do we know when we are being blessed by God? When you pray for blessing, what are you praying for?

Have you ever said “I am blessed because:

  • My life is filled with happiness
  • I’m finally getting the recognition I deserve
  • I have everything I want
  • I have people around me who see things the same way I do

Not that these things are necessarily all bad, but what is a true indication of blessing versus what the world might consider a blessing?

What are some blessings that Jesus lists that are the most challenging for you? Which brings you the most hope?

Verse 13-16: What are some of your favorite/most compelling ad campaigns of all time? (Examples: “Get a Mac” Apple commercials, “Whassup” Budweiser commercials, “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”, “Where’s the Beef?” Wendy’s commercial, ”Got Milk?”, “Just Do It” Nike). Why are they compelling, or at least memorable?

What are some of the most effective ways we can give glory to God?

What are some of the most ineffective ways we try to glorify God? What do you think Jesus was trying to address?

Verse 17-20: What discipline/job do you think has the highest and most rigorous standards? (Accountants, military, medical doctors, Olympians, Westminster Dog Show, NASA astronaut program, FAA, etc.).

Why is Jesus making such a big deal about needing to obey every single Law? It seems like he’s setting an impossible standard of behavior in order to enter the kingdom of God.

What does it mean that Jesus intends to fulfill the Law rather than abolish it? How can the Law be fulfilled in the first place?

Verse 21-26: What are some “at least I’m not a…” statements that you are most guilty of using? Examples:

  • At least I’m not a murderer…
  • At least I’m not a child abuser…
  • At least I’m not as lazy as…
  • At least I pay my taxes…
  • Well, I’ve never cheated on my spouse…
  • I actually contribute to society…
  • Etc.

Why are we so compelled to compare ourselves to other people? Have you ever justified your poor behavior by comparing your bad behavior to the behavior of another person? Is this a valuable way of determining proper behavior?

What are God’s standards around how we view and treat other people? Does God judge us by our actions or is there something deeper he’s looking at?

“When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭16:6-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Verse 27-30: What are your thoughts about the “Billy Graham rule”? Is this wise advice or is this just some ultra-conservative orthodoxy that marginalizes women?

What are some healthy guardrails that you’ve implemented in your life?

Verse 31-32: Why do you think God instituted marriage? How does marriage glorify God? Why is divorce such a big deal?

Verse 33-38: Do you remember a time when witnesses in a US court of law had to put their hand on a Bible and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Why did we do that? Was it Biblical?

Why is Jesus picking on oaths? So what if I “swear on my grandmother’s grave”? See Got Questions.

Verse 38-42: Were you ever bullied as a child? Has anyone ever bullied your child? How did that make you feel? Is that feeling justified? Is Jesus asking us to be a punching bag and an ATM?

What does Jesus want our attitude to be toward people who sin against us? Is this actually beneficial to society?

Verse 43-48: Have you ever had an enemy? Who would you consider an enemy today?

How do we balance loving our enemies and the US justice system and military conflict? Does the sermon on the mount oppose how we treat those who act poorly/unfairly, support it, or are they independent? What does Jesus want from us personally?

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Matthew 4

What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to train/study/prepare for? What did you do to prepare? How did it go?

Verse 1-2: In preparation for his ministry, why would Jesus head into the wilderness and subject himself to be tempted by the devil? Continue reading Matthew 4

Matthew 3

Verse 1-2: When you have guests come over to your house, what kind of preparations do you make? Is your house perpetually ready for guests or is it usually a big ordeal to be ready for guests?

Why was John preaching repentance? Is this the type of response you typically expect when an important person is coming? Continue reading Matthew 3

Matthew 2

Verse 1: Where were you born? What was life like when you were a child?

What do you imagine are the best conditions in which to raise a child? What conditions impact their ability to be successful, both positively and negatively?

What conditions do we seek as the best conditions we could live in as a society? What kind of conditions do you think are the ones that are best suited to bring people to God? Continue reading Matthew 2