All posts by Conan


Last updated on February 27th, 2021 at 06:15 am

Here are the lessons from SE, as available:

Here are links to study guides similar to those covered at the Roundtable. The buttons link to an outline with questions.

Introduction to Philippians

Here is a video summary of Philippians:

Here are over 500 sermons on Philippians:

Jesus or Barrabus

Matthew 27

Last updated on January 23rd, 2021 at 08:42 am

Verse 1-2: We live in a world where we get to pick and choose sources of information that cater to our beliefs and viewpoint of the world. On one hand, we get to connect and form communities around people with similar beliefs and viewpoints, plus not all information that is out there is true or beneficial. On the other, we can become quite insular, not to mention we can easily steer toward errant thoughts or beliefs in our closed communities. How does a Christian navigate what to read/believe in this information age, where conspiracies and lies are given equal credence and accessibility as truth? What does a wise person do? Continue reading Matthew 27

Matthew 26

Last updated on January 2nd, 2021 at 09:00 am

What are some of the biggest disappointments you have in memory (football game, Christmas gift, election result, a job, a teacher, vacation, meal, etc.)?

Verse 1-5: What are some parallels between the Passover and what Jesus came to fulfill regarding his death?
Continue reading Matthew 26

The 10 Virgins

Matthew 25

Verse 1-13: What are some things you have on your bucket list?
What prevents you from completing more items on your bucket list?

Why do you think Jesus is providing a parable around being prepared for the kingdom of heaven? What is the difference between living like you’re prepared versus living like you’re not? Continue reading Matthew 25

Blind Guides

Matthew 23

Verse 1-3: On November 4, 2020, Carl Lentz, celebrity pastor of Hillsong Church New York City was fired from the church after it was discovered he had an extramarital affair. Why do you think we see some pastors of churches have significant moral failures if they are preaching against immoral behavior? What should our response be when these events occur? How do we get into the habit of practicing, not just preaching? Continue reading Matthew 23
Wedding Feast Invitation

Matthew 22

Verse 1-14: What is your favorite competition television show?
If you could be on a competition television show, which would you be on?

What kind of people does your church attract/retain?
What kind of people would not be attracted to your church?
What kind of people would you like to attract to your church?
What kind of people would you like to dissuade from attending your church? Continue reading Matthew 22

Jesus Entering Jerusalem

Matthew 21

Verse 1-11: What was the most memorable presidential election you ever witnessed? Why?

For the first time, Jesus openly signifies to the people that he is setting himself up as king. What does Jesus do to signify this? Why do you think this is important? Continue reading Matthew 21