All posts by Conan

2 John 1

Verse 1-3: Have you ever had a mentor? What made that person special in your life?
Who are you mentoring now? Is that an important part of your spiritual growth?
What role do elders play in your church? What is your relationship with your elders?

Verse 4: What kind of relationship do your children have with God today? What effect do parents have on their children’s spiritual life? What can’t we control? Continue reading 2 John 1

God is Light

1 John 1

Verse 1-4: Have you ever purchased a product just because they had a great infomercial (Snuggie, Flex Tape, Clapper, ShamWow, OxyClean, George Foreman grill, ChiaPet, Ginsu Knife, etc)?

Are you more likely to buy a product because you have evaluated it as the best product or because someone told you to buy it? Why? Continue reading 1 John 1

1 2 3 John

Last updated on April 16th, 2021 at 10:17 pm

Here are the lessons from SE, as available:

Here are links to study guides similar to those covered at the Roundtable. The buttons link to an outline with questions.

Introduction to 1 John

Introduction to 2 John


Introduction to 3 John


Here is a video overview:

Wolf Attack

Philippians 3

Verse 1-6: A 2016 Business Insider article listed 9 predictors of success in life that are out of your control:

  • Your facial structure
  • Your accent
  • Your natural body odor
  • Your voice
  • Your parents’ educational background and career
  • Your height
  • Your birth order
  • The month you were born

Do you think there’s any merit to these claims? Do you think there are attributes that we use to judge people that are poor indicators of actual performance? Continue reading Philippians 3