What would show up on Family Feud as some of the biggest difficulties affecting the world today?
Verse 2-5: How does Paul’s list of things that will be signs it’s the end of the world versus what the world might pick as signs it’s the end of the world?
The list that Paul puts up can be summarized by the first thing on his list: love of self. What is so dangerous about self-love? Isn’t it important to take care of yourself first so you’re able to take care of others? And isn’t Jesus really all about me anyway? He cares for me, he died for me, he wants me to prosper, he has a plan for me… seems like Jesus is pretty pro-me. Doesn’t God want me to have my best life now?
Verse 6: Which is more true in happy marriages: each spouse is in the marriage for what they get out of it OR each spouse is in the marriage for how they can help the other? Why do you think people who love themselves most would be the kind of people who “creep into households and capture weak women”?
Verse 7-9: FYI – Jannes and Jambres are the alleged names of the magicians who were in Pharaoh’s court when Moses performed miracles in front of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:11, 7:22). What does it mean to be corrupted in mind? Can Christians become corrupted in mind?
Verse 10-11: Who was the person you most wanted to be like when you were younger? Did you ever change how you dressed, what food you ate, or habits you took on so you could be like another person in some small way?
Do you think you would want to emulate someone who was persecuted? What do you think was so compelling about Christians in the early church? Why would anyone want to join a persecuted minority?
Verse 12-13: Do you think there will be a time in America when Christians are persecuted? What would change that allows that to happen? What could be done to prevent that from happening?
Verse 14-17: Are you the kind of person who reads the manual? Have you ever used a product for years, only to read the manual afterward and realize you have been using something wrong or missed a key feature?
Do you wish you had better spiritual habits? What are some habits you’d like accountability in starting today?
Here are at least 2,000 sermons that cover 2 Timothy 3.