2 Corinthians 12

Verse 1-6: Have you ever had an intense vision or dream that stuck with you? What was it about?

Has God ever tried to work with you or through someone you knew through a dream or vision? Do you think He still does?

Verse 7: What’s something that you’re terrible at or insecure about? Do you think that accepting your faults is important? Or do you think we should focus on embracing what’s great about ourselves in order to find peace with ourselves? How should we view ourselves to maintain humility?

Verse 8-10: What’s an unanswered prayer in your life? Do you think God would be able to reach more people if he just said “yes” a little more often? Wouldn’t we be better off if God could give us a better life, free of pain, hardships, and disaster?

Verse 11-13: If you were witness to any of Jesus’ miracles, do you think that would make you believe in him (raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding the 5,000, healing the blind/paralyzed, exorcism, etc.). Why do you think people turn away from Hod when faced with unexplainable miracles?

Verse 14-18: Why do you think some people are skeptical of the church?

Do you think true Christianity is so appealing that people would want it to be true? How would we make it so?

Verse 19-21: Do you have issues of quarreling, jealousy, anger, hostility, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder in your church? Does this cause you to mourn or to shrug your shoulders? How do we build a church Paul would be proud of?