2 Corinthians 11

Verse 1-4: Have you ever tried to go on a special diet? What diet did you go on? Why do you think we don’t just eat healthily and exercise regularly?

Why are we prone to following people who purport to have special knowledge of Biblical things? If we have the Bible, why do people get led astray by false prophets? How do we protect ourselves from following false teachers and prophets?

Verse 5-6: What do you think are your weaknesses in being an effective witness to others? What are your strengths? How can we make the most of our weaknesses and strengths?

Verse 7-11: Do you think charitable giving is an important part of effective witnessing? Why or why not?

Verse 12-15: What are some ways we show that our faith is genuine? What are some ways Christian leaders should demonstrate the genuineness of their faith? What are some things that don’t demonstrate that a Christian leader is genuine?

Verse 16-20: What are behaviors among attenders of a church that we need to be patient with? What are the behaviors we shouldn’t allow? How should we address these issues?

Verse 20-29: What are some hardships in your life? How have some of these hardships strengthened you? Have these experiences become a part of your ministry?

Verse 30: Why should we boast of our weakness? How can our weakness be a strength?