1 Timothy 1

Verse 1-2: Who is a person who has mentored you? What did they mentor you about? Do you have someone you’ve mentored?

Verse 3-4: What is something you hear being preached or sung that you disagree with doctrinally? Have you ever communicated with your pastor about something you disagreed with?

Has anyone ever approached you about something you taught or said that someone didn’t agree with regarding a doctrinal issue?

What issues do we need to tackle head-on and what can we overlook?

Verse 5: What is the mission and vision of your church organization?

Is agape love a core part of your church’s mission and vision? Should it be?

Verse 6-7: What are some “vain theological discussions” that you’ve observed or been a part of? How do we determine what’s a vain theological discussion versus an edifying one?
How do we determine who’s qualified to teach faith matters? Does your church organization have any standards for this?

Verse 8-11: What would be an unlawful use of the law? What is a lawful use of the law?

Verse 12-14: If everyone makes mistakes, why do you think the world treats people so badly when they make mistakes? Why would a perfect God tolerate imperfect people? How do we determine when to look past the faults in others and when to address the faults in others?

Verse 15-17: Under what conditions are you most likely to have mercy on someone? When are you the least likely? How do we learn to grow more patient with and merciful to others?

Verse 18-20: What do you think God has uniquely equipped and commissioned you to do in this season of your life? Are you taking advantage of the time and talents you have or are you making a shipwreck of your faith?
You will find over 2,000 sermons on 1 Timothy 1 here.