1 Thessalonians 2

Verse 1: What is something you look forward to doing at Christmas? What is something might be dreading at Christmas? Is there a person you dread having to see over Christmas? How do we make the most of our opportunities with others over Christmas?
Verse 2: Reference Acts 16. Have you ever felt like you are fighting a losing battle against a society that sees Christianity as the enemy? How do we maintain our boldness in sharing the gospel with others? Do you think Christianity can make a come back again in America?

Verse 3-6: What are some of the most effective/persuasive political ads or statements that make you like / dislike a candidate? What do you look for in a political candidate?

Who are some of the most effective/persuasive Christian leaders in America today?How do we know when a Christian leader is leading in a way that honors God?

Verse 7-8: Should Christians ever split the sharing of the gospel from charity/outreach? Can the pursuit of social justice be an end in and of itself?

Verse 9: Why do you think some people stop serving once they reach retirement age while others continue to serve their whole life? How do we establish a lifestyle of servanthood?

Verse 10-12: If you could say something to the twenty year old year old version of yourself, what would you say? If your twenty year old self saw you today, what would he say to you?

Verse 13: Why do you think flat earth proponents and astrology still thrive today? What is the appeal of the word of man versus the word of God?

Verse 14-16: What tips do you have for engaging in conversation with people you don’t agree with on sensitive topics? How do we shape a culture without driving others away?