1 Corinthians 1

Give an example of a time when you were responsible for something that didn’t go as planned (family vacation, a meal, work). Were you able to recover the situation?

Church people problems

Verse 2: Paul refers to the church of Corinth as those “called to be his holy people”. What do you feel God is calling you to do/be? Do our actions reflect our calling? What does it mean to have a calling?

Verse 4: Corinth was a church built in a wealthy city. It was likely there was some wealth, educated, people with diverse backgrounds (rich, poor, Jew, Gentile). Paul says of the Corinthians, “in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge so that you are not lacking in any gift.” Clearly Paul sees them as a blessed church. Why do you think the church in Corinth had so many problems? Why would a who seemingly had everything begin to have problems?

Verse 8: What is it that sustains members of a church? How do we help each other sustain?

Verse 10: Paul makes a tall order in verse 10. How important is this really for us? When was the last time you saw division in the church? Did it seem like Christ was there? What draws a church together?

Verse 11-12: Who is an inspiring leader to you? Is it easier to follow and idea or a person? Why is our identity wrapped up in our leaders? Are there churches that exist because of their leader? Is that good or bad?

Verse 13-14: Our identity is in Christ. Paul is appalled by the thought that there would be a church of Paul or a following of Paul. When people are close to God, do they call on a person to help them or God? Luxury these days isn’t good or fine jewelry, it’s being served. Are we looking to serve or be served?

Verse 17: Why did Paul point out that he was sent to preach, not with eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power? See Matthew 23:1-12. Paul knows what the Pharisees wanted – attention.

Verse 18: I like that Paul says “the word is folly to those who are perishing”. Why is it folly? Why can’t people just reason how to behave rightly? Why can’t we evolve in society to behave better?

Verse 19: what is the wisdom of the world?

Verse 21-23: it says the world did not know God through wisdom. At this time, Greek culture was the culture of reason and debate. Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom. We preach something different. Our faith is not a philosophy. It is also not an impersonal relationship. It’s built on historical facts about a personal God to came to save. It’s the opposite of what the world was looking for.

Verse 25: God’s kingdom is not one that makes logical sense. It’s not fair. It upholds the weak. It gives power to the powerless. It’s an upside-down kingdom. Why are we surprised by this?

Verse 26-27: Paul points out that many in the church weren’t born noble or rich. God loves an underdog story. What’s your favorite underdog story? Rudy, Rocky, Remember the Titans, Mighty Ducks.

Verse 28-29: See James 4:6-7. Why does God oppose the proud? What’s God’s problem? Why does he want all of the attention? Is he just a glory seeker? Or does he want a relationship? Relationships are sacrificial.

Verse 30: what does it mean to boast in the Lord? What is there to boast about? Do we boast about our kids or wives?